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Carly Pearce Diagnosed With Heart Condition

She made the announcement yesterday.

Carly Pearce shared with fans that she has been diagnosed with a heart issue called pericarditis. She gave a candid update on her health situation on Instagram.

“I have always been transparent and honest about every part of my life so I feel like this deserves the same honesty. You guys know that I’ve been dealing with some health issues, and I have developed something called pericarditis, which is a heart issue.” – Carly Pearce

Carly explained that her live shows will be dialed down a bit while she deals with her heart condition, asking fans for “a little bit of grace” as she adjusts her performances.

“So if my shows look a little different, just know it’s because I have to keep my heart rate under control right now.” – Carly Pearce

We hope she feels better soon!